This short clip will show you how to back up the data in your Augsburg
Google Apps for Education account as you prepare to graduate from
Augsburg University so you can take it with you.
(Keywords: Extract, Data, Alumni, takeout)
This short clip will show you how to import the content of you Google
Drive associated with your Augsburg Google Apps for Education account
after you have extracted all your data using Google Takeout. The
instructions on this video also assume that you ha...
Inside Augsburg accounts are only provided for current Augsburg
students. Once you graduate (complete your coursework and receive your
degree, as recorded by the Registrar), you will receive an email
within the...
Students who have graduated and now use an alumni email account can
check their email at
[] (keywords: alumni, email)
[]Last Mo...
When you graduate, Augsburg allows you to make a payment without the
need for an AugNet account. You will need the following information:
your student ID# and last name.
Visit this link in order to get started [http://www...
Augsburg Alumni email accounts can be set up on mobile devices. The
links below contain detailed information for both iOS and Adroid
iOS :
After you graduate, you will receive an email about closing your
account. You can chose to let your account close, delay closing if you
plan to return soon, or get an alumni email account. We will try to
move all your Augsburg email over to your alumni...