How to Show Course Total as Points, Percentages, or Letter Grade in the Moodle Gradebook (Faculty)
Posted by Christy Mattingly on 16 May 2017 10:24 AM

To change the way in which only the Course Total displays:

  1. From the Administration block, click "Gradebook setup".

    Course Display Total under the course category section showing where to change only the course total column

  2. Under the Actions column, click the first 'Edit' link, then choose 'Edit settings'.

    Edit link under Actions column heading

  3. Under the "Category total" section, click "Show more..."
    Course Display Total under the course category section showing where to change only the course total column

  4. Set the "Grade display type" to the desired value.

    Course Display Total under the course category section showing where to change only the course total column

  5. Click the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page.


Other knowledgebase articles:

Change what students see on their User Report:

Gradebook viewing options:

(Faculty) For additional help with Moodle, visit the Faculty Moodle Resources site at

Updated: 2020/04/13


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