Course Evaluation Summary and Comparison Report with video (Mac/PC) / Faculty
Posted by Scott Krajewski on 30 August 2013 09:51 AM


The course evaluation system has a "Survey Intelligence" report that allows you to see your scaled responses across multiple classes.

This video explains how to use the report.  I suggest having the video open in one tab and the course evaluation system open in another tab.

Click to watch the video here if the embedded version below does not play:


Here is a text summary of the video steps.  This report allows you to see your scaled results over time and if you're a department chair you can see results from your faculty.

  1. You can choose from each of the four sections of scaled questions on the course evaluation form.
  2. Click the 'edit' icon to see the setup screens.
  3. On the report setup screens you can alter various options.  Most are set to a good starting value.  Don't worry, you can't break the report if you choose an option and see unexpected results.  The report always resets back to the starting options.
  4. There is a seven step wizard that will walk you through the report setup. Typically only step 1,2 are needed to set your criteria for the report.
  5. Step 1: You can change the date range to look a specific time period.  You click "next" at the top right to move to the next step.
  6. Step 2: Pick which surveys in the time period.  Picking "check all" is a good choice otherwise you can pick certain surveys.
  7. Step 3: Pick which questions to include.  This is pre-selected to the question section you picked from the beginning.  You will see some questions repeated on this long list.  Some classes have multiple instructors and questions on those surveys are seen as different so they show up on this list separately under "people focused."
  8. Step 4: You can pick what columns to have in the report.  Default columns are set for you already.
  9. Step 5: You can pick the title for the report and other report visual options.  Defaults are set for you already.
  10. Step 6. You can view or export the report.  Viewing can take a few minutes depending on how large your data set is.
  11. Step 7: You can see the final report.  You can filter on the screen by typing in the boxes in the first few columns.  Suppose you want to just see all of your SOC121 courses - you can type in SOC121 in the course number column to see just those courses.


Keywords: evaluations report logitudinal courseval

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