Knowledgebase: Moving course content
Importing from another moodle course (Faculty/Staff)
Posted by Eric Strom on 08 December 2011 01:32 PM

Import Content from Another Moodle Course (Faculty/Staff)

The import tool in Moodle allows instructors to select content from one course and copy it into another. The import function does not migrate user-specific data (student submissions, grades or course enrollments). Users must have an instructor role in both the source and destination courses in order to use the import function.

The Import tool can only be used between two courses existing in the same instance of Moodle. Courses back to the 2021-2022 academic year are contained in the same instance of Moodle. To import content from a course prior to Fall 2021, see this article.

  1. Is your course using the 'Grid' course format? Make sure to set your new course to Grid format prior to your import:
    • From the Administration block > Course Administration > Edit settings
    • Under the "Course format" section, change Format: from "Collapsed topics" to "Grid"
    • Under the "Course format" section, change "Course Layout:" to "Show one section per page"
    • Save changes

  2. In the course to which you want to add content, select Import in the Administration block.

    Administration Block, Import

  3. Choose the course you wish to import data from (use the search option to find a course not listed). If you are not seeing your course listed search for it in the search field and click Search. Then click Continue.

    Import From

  4. Leave all data types checked (default), then click Jump to last step.

  5. Click Continue to finish and go back to the main Moodle page.

  6. Consider hiding your upcoming Moodle course from students while you work on updating the content. Instructions here:
Last Modified: 2022/06/27

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