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Knowledgebase: Moodle Content Editor
Moodle: Tips for using the ATTO Content Editor (Faculty/Staff/Students)
Posted by Christy Mattingly on 30 July 2019 09:50 AM
The TinyMCE content editor is no longer supported by Moodle. Consider switching to the ATTO content editor as its elements help with the accessibility of one's course design and allows the embedding of video and audio posts in forums or in online text assignments which are more flexible and inclusive than offering only text-based submissions. Embedded video and audio links play when you click them vs. having to be clicked, downloaded, found, and then played. This video demonstrates some of the features of the Atto Editor Tips for using ATTO:
Related knowledge base (how-to) articles:
Shortlink for this article: http:/ Updated: 2020/08/26 | |
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