Knowledgebase: Students
Install Read&Write on home PC (Students)
Posted by Benjamin Kurtenbach on 16 January 2015 11:39 AM

For Augsburg students who would like to install Read&Write Gold on their personal PC.

  1. Go to and log-in with your AugNet credentials.

  2. Click "User Console Library" on the left side of the page. Then select "Read and Write Take Home for Download" in the list.

  3. Click the "Download" button at the bottom of the page to download the program.

  4. Once the file has completed downloading, run the "ReadWrite.exe" file. This will ask you to extract the file to a location.

  5. Once the program has been extracted, navigate to the appropriate folder (defaulted to the Downloads folder) and run the "Setup.exe" file. 

  6. This will begin the install of Read & Write Gold. Wait for the program to install. Once it is installed, run Read & Write Gold on your PC.




(Keywords: free, read, write, gold, readwrite, ReadWrite)

Last Update: 2015/03/18


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