A Moodle Label can be used to add text, images, or multimedia to the main page of a course. A label is a very versatile resource and can help to improve the appearance of a course if used thoughtfully. Labels can be used to distinguish between, and highlight different areas of, a Moodle course.
On the Moodle main page, instructors can insert text and images using a label. Labels are used to create structure in a Moodle course. The hybrid template uses labels to structure each topic block, providing places for instructors to add learning objectives, files to be read or viewed, and activities to be completed.

- To insert a Label, turn editing on and then click on "Add a resource or activity," and select "Label" from the Moodle "picker"

- To edit an existing label, turn editing on and click on the dropdown menu under "Edit" (right side of page), and click on "Edit settings."

- Labels (like most Moodle resources and activities) have a content editor that allows you to format text.

- You can also add images and embed multi-media files like videos in a label.

As you build your course, be mindful of the importance of consistency of design. Labels help reiterate the structure in each topic block, and assist students in navigating the course more successfully.

(keywords: moodle, label)
(Faculty) For additional help with Moodle, visit the Faculty Moodle Resources site at http://go.augsburg.edu/fmr.
Last Modified: 2022/05/17