Knowledgebase: Faculty and Staff
Viewing your W2 online (faculty and staff)
Posted by Scott Krajewski on 24 January 2014 10:26 AM

Viewing W2s Online (Faculty and Staff)

Faculty and Staff can view and print their W2s online through Unit 4 Agresso Web / Administrative Self Service 

Prerequisites: PDF viewer application (such as Adobe Reader); Enable popups to for

W2s are found through Unit 4 Agresso Web link on Inside Augsburg. 

To get there, follow these steps:

  1. Login to Inside Augsburg (

  2. Click on Administrative Tasks and then Unit 4 Agresso Web.

  3. Make sure 'Windows password authentication' is selected in the drop-down dialog box just above the login area. Enter your AugNet username, AD for domain (this has changed from the previous version), and your AugNet password. Click Login

  4. Upon successful login, you will come to your Personnel Information page.

    Personal Information page

    • If you do not come to a Personnel Information screen, follow the directions, click HERE.

  5. Click on the Documents button  in the tool bar area (highlighted in red below).

    documents bar
    (The first time you may be asked to Allow Popups for if you have not done so already) 

    PopUp Allow
  6. The Document Archive will open.
    Under the Resource folder you will see a W2 folder.  Please note the year of each W2 when clicking on them.
    Click the File for the document to be viewed.

    Depending on your browser, it may ask you to save or open the PDF document.
  7. Close the Document Archive window.
    Log Off when done.


If you are not automatically directed to your Personnel Information screen upon login, navigate the menu to the Personnel Information screen:

  1. Click on Personnel Info in the left hand menu

  2. Click Personnel to expand the menu options, and then click Personnel Information.


Last Updated: 2013/05/14

(keywords: w2, W2, unit 4 agresso, w2s)

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