Mounting Network Folders in Linux
Posted by Kenneth Johnson on 29 October 2013 10:18 AM

This article will help you mount your network folders in Linux:


  1. To mount your Student drive in Linux you will first need to install the ncpmount application:

    From the terminal under Fedora flavors of Linux:

    sudo yum install ncpmount

         enter [sudo] password

    From the terminal under Debian flavors of Linux:

    sudo apt-get install ncpmount


    sudo aptitude install ncpmount

         enter [sudo] password

  2. Once you have ncpmount installed, you just need to open the terminal and get use the following signature:

    sudo ncpmount -S STUDENT -A -U <username.firstLetterOfUsername.students.augsburg -V student_home /<mountpoint>

  3. If you do not wish to type this every time, you could simply create a shell script to run when you want to mount your Student Drive.

  4. Create a file in your home folder named that contains:

    sudo ncpmount -S STUDENT -A -U <auggie.a.students.augsburg -V student_home /media/auggie/netshare

  5. This will then ask for the [sudo] password, and then your augsburg password to mount the drive. You can avoid entering the password by adding the  -P argument to the command followed by the password, although entering the password this way is not advisable.



(keywords: mount, linux, network, folders)

Last Modified: 2015/03/18

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