Knowledgebase: Communication Tools
Emailing my students in Moodle with Quickmail (Faculty/Staff)
Posted by Scott Krajewski (Import) on 18 September 2009 11:56 AM

Each moodle course is automatically enrolled with the roster of students enrolled in the course.  Each student has an Augsburg email address and is responsible for information that is sent to that email address.

Using the Quickmail block in your moodle course, you can email your entire class or select individual participants.

  1. Locate the Quickmail block and click on Compose New Email to begin your message.

    Quickmail Block - Compose
  2. From this next page, you can filter possible recipients by role (ex., student, teacher), and section (if groups are enabled). To send an e-mail to the entire class, click the "Add all" button in the center column of the page. This will automatically add all of the potential recipients to the selected recipients field.

    Quickmail Add All
  3. Compose your message. The Attachment(s) option is located on top of the composition area. When ready, click the "Send Email" button.

    Quickmail Message

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Last Modified: 2011/05/12

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