Knowledgebase: Moodle Assignments
Moodle Assignment Workflow (Faculty)
Posted by Bonnie Tensen on 17 November 2014 03:16 PM

The Workflow setting in Moodle Assignments allows you to finish marking all students' submissions before releasing them to the gradebook. Workflow has 6 states (Not graded, In grading, Grading Completed, In review, Ready for release, and Released) to allow for multiple graders. The single instructor will use just 2 of these workflow states: "In grading" and "Released."

  1. On the main page of the course, click on the red "Turn editing on" button, and from the dropdown menu next to the assignment, select "edit settings."

    Edit settings on Assignment

  2. In the window that opens, scroll down and click on "Grade." In the dropdown menu next to "Use grading workflow," select "Yes." Then click "Save and Display."

    Select "Yes" next to "Use grading Workflow"

  3. To grade student work, click on "View/grade all submissions."

    Click on "View/grade all submissions" to grade.

  4. In the window that opens, check the "Select" box for all users. Then scroll down and from the dropdown menu next to "With selected..." choose "Set grading workflow state" and click "Go." (Note: a pop-up will ask you "Set grading workflow state for all selected submissions?"--click "OK.")

    Select all users and "Set grading workflow."

  5. In the window that opens, select "In grading" from the dropdown menu next to "Grading workflow state." Then click "Save changes."

    Select "In grading"

  6. Go ahead and grade normally by clicking on the "pencil" icon to view student submission and enter grade.

    Grade submissions

  7. When you have completed your grading, once again check the "Select" box for all users. Then scroll down and from the dropdown menu next to "With selected..." choose "Set grading workflow state" and click "Go." (Note: a pop-up will ask you "Set grading workflow state for all selected submissions?"--click "OK.")

    Check "select" all users and "Set workflow state."

  8. In the window that opens, select "Released" from the dropdown menu next to "Grading workflow state." Then click "Save changes." This will release all grades to students' gradebooks and automatically notify them by email their submission has been graded.
    Select "Released" to notify students of graded work.


(keywords: workflow, moodle)

Last Modified: 2015/03/19

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