Knowledgebase: Moodle
Creating/Sharing Google Drive Files for a Class Assignment (Faculty/Staff/Students)
Posted by Eric Strom on 30 October 2013 12:05 PM

Creating/Sharing Google Drive Files for a Class Assignment

For some assignments, instructors will recommend providing a link to a file (especially a movie file) or uploading the file directly into a Moodle Assignment or Forum. This may be because the file size upload limit in Moodle will not allow a very large file. Using a link to a file in a cloud storage solution like Google Drive is an appropriate solution.

  1. Enter WebMail through Inside Augsburg. Then click on the 9 dot "box" icon and select "Drive."
    Google Drive

  2. Click on the "New" button in the upper left and then "File upload."

     Google Drive Upload button

  3. Select the file from your computer and click "Open." You will see a progress circle in the lower right corner of the page. Once the upload is complete, click the green checkmark and then the folder icon (to show file location), and your uploaded file will be highlighted on the page.

    upload complete
  4. Right-click on the file and then select "Share" from the dropdown menu. In the window that opens under "Get Link," click the "Share with Augsburg Unversity" link and then "Copy link" and "Done."

    select Share

    Sharing setting, People at Augsburg with the link

  5. Provide the link from the previous step in your submission to the Moodle Assignment or Forum. Learn how to create a link in the moodle text editor. Access will be given only to people with AugNet accounts that have this link.


 (keywords: google, share, file, filesharing, moodle)

Last Modified: 2021/10/14

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