What are AugNet folders?
All Augsburg students, faculty and staff are provided with an "AugNet folder". This folder is a space on the campus network available to store your files. Your AugNet folder is easily accessible both on and off campus via the Internet. Your folder contains private space for your files, a 'public' folder for sharing files with Augsburg community members, and a 'www' folder for publishing a personal web site.
There are a few different ways to access your folder and public folders of other Augsburg community members.
Connecting to AugNet folders from Campus Windows Computers or through RemoteLab
- When you log in to a Windows computer on campus or access RemoteLab from your home computer, you should see an icon on the desktop for My Network Storage. This is a shortcut to your own Augnet folder and opening it will access the space.

- If you wish to access the public folder that belongs to another Augsburg community member, double-click the icon for My Computer. You will see the drives available to you.

- Public folders of other students can be found in the STUDENT_HOME folder, alphabetically.
- Public folders of Augsburg faculty and staff can be found in the FACSTAFF_HOME folder listed by Department.
- Public folders of Augsburg departments and student organizations can be found in the ORGS_HOME folder listed alphabetically.
Connecting to AugNet folders from a Mac
- Make sure you are in the Finder (click on the desktop to enter the Finder).
- Choose Connect to Server... from the 'Go' menu at the top of the screen.

- Enter the desired address:
- smb://student.augsburg.edu for your own folder or public folders of other students
- smb://facstaff.augsburg.edu for faculty or staff folders
- smb://orgs.augsburg.edu for department or student organization folders
- Click Connect

Enter your AugNet Username and password in the window that appears.

- Pick the Home directory you are looking for. For example, if you are connecting to students.augsburg.edu, choose Students Home
- Click OK. You should now see the server icon on your desktop.
Other methods of Connecting to AugNet folders
You may also connect to your AugNet folders in the following ways:
(keywords: augnet, folders, network)
Last Modified: 2015/03/17