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Knowledgebase : Faculty and Staff > Moodle (for instructors) > Moodle Grades > Moodle Gradebook
This article introduces how to add grade items directly in the Moodle gradebook. _NOTE: The PREFERRED method for entering grades (even for assignments--like oral presentations or in-class quizzes) is to create a Moodle Assignment [
Copy/paste this entire window into a new article. Summarize the function of the topic being documented here. Identify the audience for this article either in the summary or in the Subject (.e.g Faculty/Staff/Students). Include important notes or warnings ...
_If you have multiple, similar grade items (e.g., a series of quizzes, homework assignments, or labs worksheets), you may want to drop the lowest one (or several) grades. The BEST way to do this is to SAVE the highest grades (i.e., in a series of 12, save...
The Quick Grading feature allows you to enter or edit a grade in multiple cells on the grader report at once. You can then click the Update button to save all these changes at once, instead of one at a time. The quick grading feature is enabled by default...
How to designate an existing item in Moodle Grades to be calculated as an extra credit item. * In the ADMINISTRATION block, select 'GRADEBOOK SETUP' under Course administration. * For the item you want to set as extra credit, click 'EDIT' in the Acti...
Grade categories allow configuration of how the Moodle gradebook calculates items they contain. Category settings include: * Calculating only items that have been graded (enabled by default) * Aggregation method * Dropping the lowest or highest sc...
Grade categories help you to organize your assignments in the gradebook. Categories can also be used to apply weighted grading and other aggregation methods to groups of grade items. * Navigate to the course GRADES from the SETTINGS BLOCK under COURSE ...
Grades can be imported into your Moodle gradebook from a spreadsheet with either a file upload or a copy/paste method. Importing can populate grades for existing assessment items or create new ones for you (these will have the default 100-point maximum). ...
Moodle's Natural aggregation method takes the sum of all grade items with an optional scaling by weight. Natural is the most flexible aggregation method for your Moodle gradebook because it supports sum of points, weighted grades and extra credit. ABOUT...
To change the way in which _only_ the Course Total displays: * From the Administration block, click "GRADEBOOK SETUP". * Under the Actions column, click the first 'EDIT' link, then choose 'EDIT SETTINGS'. * Under the "Category total" section, click...
By default, grade items appear as the "Real" values in the Moodle gradebook, generally this results in the points earned being displayed. To change the format all grade items: * From the Administration block, click "Gradebook Setup". * Click the "Co...
There are times when students have not submitted their work for an activity in Moodle. You have graded submissions from the rest of the class and you would now like to have a quick way to assign zeros for this assignment for the remaining students. This i...
BEGINNING FALL OF 2017, AUGSBURG CHANGED FROM A NUMERIC TO A LETTER GRADING (A-F) SYSTEM. The faculty approved the proposal at a faculty meeting held on January 12, 2017. The new system provides grade point equivalents, but not percentages; however, Moodl...
New items added to a Moodle course end up at the end of the grade book. To move items individually or as a group to a different category or chronology, follow these steps: * From the main course page under the Administration block, click "Gradebook set...
Do your students find the Moodle gradebook confusing? Would you like to change which columns appear in their gradebook view (Moodle refers to the student view as the "User Report")? Would you like to have grades automatically translate to your defined gra...
Use the Gradebook View (Tri-)Toggle button to temporarily change what appears in the Grader report (spreadsheet view for instructors). To permanently change the order of the Course Total column, see other knowledgebase article links at the bottom of this ...
Beginning in Fall of 2017, the link for students to view their grades has moved to a dropdown menu accessed by clicking on their profile in the upper right corner of the course. * * This will take you to a page where you can see links to all of the ...
Quick feedback adds a text input element in each grade cell on the grader report, allowing you to edit the feedback for many grades at once. You can then click the Update button to perform all these changes at once, instead of one at a time. Students will...
The moodle gradebook recognizes the existence of groups in a moodle course. This filter option is especially useful when different teachers are responsible for providing assessment for a subset of students in a single moodle course. In order for the fil...
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