Setting up Psychology Lab Computers (Psychology LFC)
Posted by Christy Mattingly on 11 April 2018 12:10 PM

Nancy Steblay has requested a manual local account be created, however this has been deemed unnecessary and students can use their own logins. Expected to change in Fall 2018.

The current account is Psystudies and has a password which Nancy knows and shares with students running studies. There is a video file used by these students running the studies. The video features other students and cannot be loaded on the Internet, so it has to be copied to each user's profile who will need to use it for their study. This can easily be done by flash drive and copying to each computer by the student researchers themselves.

1. Install latest version of SPSS using concurrent IP address of

2. Install E-Prime (see KB as several steps are required to get v2.0 to work on Win10).

3. Install the HC-Follow-Me printer.

4. Update Firefox, Chrome, and Acrobat Reader. Microsoft Edge is not working on these computers (as of April 2018 - unless a patch has been pushed out).

5. Turn on Windows Defender and run Windows Updates (probably fixed on the next image version - anti-virus was not getting installed).

6. Run all services in Configuration Manager > Actions tab via Control Panel.

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