Forum subscriptions enable a particpant to receive email messages when there is activity in a moodle forum. This article details how to:
- modify the forum subscription and digest settings for your individual profile
- modify forum settings for your individual profile when viewing a forum activity
*Note: some forum activities may have subscription settings defined by the instructor that take precidence over profile-level settings.
Forum Settings in your Profile
- In the upper right hand corner of the Moodle page, click on your picture (or the icon of a person) and select Preferences.

- In the window that opens under "Preferences/User Account" select Forum Preferences

- In the window that opens, we suggest that you select Subjects (daily email with subjects only) and then Save changes.This means that you will receive just ONE email a day (usually around 5 pm) and it will contain just the subject heading for each new posting. These emails will also contain links to the forum posting. NOTE: You will still need to SUBSCRIBE to forums to receive these emails (see step 4 and following).

4. Forum Settings in the Forum Activity
If you would like to receive email notification of postings to every forum in the course, in the Forum Preferences window (same as above), under Forum auto-subscribe select Yes: when I post, subscribe me to that forum discussion (NOTE: you must actually POST TO--not just create--a forum in order to auto-subscribe)

Settings for individual forums can be managed when viewing the Forum activity
Click on a forum activity in the course.
- In the Administration block, select Subscribe to this forum. You will need to do this for each forum you would like to receive emails.

(keywords: subscribe, subscription, forum notification, digest alert, auto-subscription) Modified: 2016/08/27